About Legacies
The trust relies on charitable donations from supporters like you. Once you’ve taken care of family, friends and loved ones, you can help us to continue our vital work long into the future by leaving a donation in your will. Even the smallest of gifts make such a difference and helps our work live on into the future.
Through the generosity of people like you, we can continue to enhance the lives of others who have spent their lives volunteering their time. Please help us give something back to them in their time of need.
Pass on something wonderful and leave a gift to the trust in your will
Legacies are vital to our very survival, a fact that most of our supporters don’t realise. To raise some much needed awareness, we’ve joined forces with Remember A Charity – the largest consortium of its kind in the UK working to raise awareness of the importance of having a Will, leaving gifts to charities and promote legacy giving.
To include WRVS Benevolent Trust in your Will, simply give your solicitor or Will writer the following details:
Charity name: WRVS Benevolent Trust
Charity address: PO Box 769, Chesterfield. S40 9NY
Charity Number: 261931 (England & Wales)
Thank you for thinking about us and helping us continue our work by leaving a gift in your Will to the trust!
If you are looking for more information about how to leave a gift in your will, please go to https://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/leaving-a-gift/leave-a-gift-to-charity/
Steps to making a will and essential information: https://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/making-a-will/
For more information visit www.rememberacharity.org.uk